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The Best URL Shortener of 2018

best url shortener

There are many url shorteners on the internet, but you may not know which one is right for your needs. These shorteners can be useful for a variety of purposes, and they can be helpful for your business. These are the top four most used services. Read on if you are new to URL shortening. We've also included a short comparison chart for you to use.


Rebrandly and Bitly have many key differences. If you plan to use both to create short links, it is important to understand the limitations of each. Bitly's free plan allows you to create 50 custom back-half URLs per month. Enterprise plans allow unlimited creation of custom links. You cannot edit redirects in a free plan, so you will need to upgrade to a paid plan if you want to use custom URLs. Rebrandly, however, offers unlimited custom link options on all plans and the ability to use links tags.


A URL shortener can help your business in many ways. First, long URLs tend to be clunky or messy. URL shorteners keep your links tidy and trustworthy. You can create branded links with Bitly to make your link instantly recognizable and trustworthy. Short URLs can be used in email marketing campaigns to increase click-through rates and purchase intent.


Cuttly is a good choice if you need a URL shortener to meet all your marketing requirements. Cuttly provides a variety of features including branding links and real time tracking of your shortened link performance. UTM codes make it easy to track how your shortened URLs perform. You can sign up for a free trial of Cuttly or upgrade to their paid plans starting at $25/month.


URL shorteners can be a great way to make some money online. This is an easy way to make money online, but it's important you select the right ones. Many of the companies that exist don't pay members or, worse, do fraud. Here are 15 of our top URL shorteners.


Polr is a modern URL shortener that can also be used as a URL management platform. There are many features available that can be used by web and blog owners to reduce the link length. Users don't have to copy and paste long URLs. Instead, they can simply click the short URL and it will appear in the browser. Polr is a great choice for both novice and advanced users due to its ease-of-use and wide range of features.

Smoner is a free url shortener

Smoner can be used to shorten links. It can be used to share short links on YouTube and social media. It is easy to use and offers a support team if you encounter any problems while using the service. Your shortened link can also be advertised to make money. A click from your links can earn you as much as ten percentage of the revenue.

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How can I get more Facebook traffic?

Facebook has many options to increase traffic and engagement to your site. Facebook ads are one way to get more traffic. You can target specific audiences with Facebook ads based on their interests, location, and demographics. You can also set a daily limit and track which posts do well.

What does SEO mean for small businesses?

Competing with large companies that spend millions in advertising is the biggest challenge for small businesses. Search Engine Optimization (SEO), enables smaller businesses to reap the benefits of this same marketing power without spending a fortune.

What are the basics of backlinks?

Backlinks refer to links linking to a webpage from another site. They are one the most powerful tools search engines use to identify the location of a page in search results. Backlinks prove that other people believe your content valuable. You will need quality backlinks to help you rank high in search results.

How much does SEO cost?

SEO costs depend on the size and industry of your business, as well as your budget. For smaller businesses, it may be only a few hundred bucks per month. Larger companies will spend many thousands of dollars each month. To estimate how much SEO will cost you, use our SEO calculator.


  • 93%of online experiences today begin on search engines. (marketinginsidergroup.com)
  • A 62.60% organic traffic boost to that page: (backlinko.com)
  • Sean isn't alone… Blogger James Pearson recently axed hundreds of blog posts from his site… and his organic traffic increased by 30%: (backlinko.com)
  • These guides are designed and coded 100% from scratch using WordPress. (backlinko.com)
  • 64% of marketers actively create SEO campaigns because they help hit multiple key performance indicators (KPIs), including increasing traffic, helping your site rank for relevant keywords, improving your conversion rate, and much more. (semrush.com)

External Links





How To

How to choose an SEO strategy that works for your business

These are some factors that can help you choose the right SEO strategy for your website.

  1. Keyword Research
    Your primary goal in SEO is to rank high for certain terms. To do this, you need to research keywords that are related to your website. You should also identify negative keyword phrases that don't relate to your audience.
  2. Content Strategy
    Content marketing is important for all businesses. However, eCommerce websites must ensure that their products and services rank highly on search results pages. This drives sales and increases conversions.
    Therefore, you should create relevant, engaging content which solves problems or provides solutions.
  3. Link Building
    Links can be vital to rank well in search engines. They help improve your site's credibility and page rankings. However, too many links can reduce your Page Rank score. To build lasting relationships with other websites, you should focus on building them.
  4. Social Media Marketing
    If you have a strong presence on social networks, you might want to use these channels to promote and market your brand. This will encourage others to share your content by sharing it across these platforms.
  5. Website Structure
    Good design doesn't necessarily translate into better rankings but it does make an impact. Simple layouts improve user experience and lead to higher conversions. Additionally, you must ensure your site loads quickly so users don't leave before completing transactions.
  6. Mobile Optimization
    Mobile devices account for almost half of internet usage today.If your website isn't optimized for mobile, you could lose out on traffic and potential clients.
  7. Local Search
    This refers to targeting local markets rather than national ones.Local SEO works by optimizing your website for local searches such as "restaurants near me" or "businesses in my area." It is easier to rank locally as people trust recommendations made by family members, friends, and coworkers.
  8. Ecommerce Website Development
    Ecommerce websites benefit from a range of different types of SEO strategies.For example, they often perform best when they're optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. In addition, they can be ranked higher for longer tail keywords.
  9. Video Ranking
    Video content performs well on search engines. It ranks well in search engines for long queries and receives more shares.
  10. Branding
    Branding is the process of designing a logo, product names, and messaging that gives your company its own identity and personality. This helps customers understand who you are and what you do.
  11. Analytics Software
    Analytics software allows you to track how visitors interact with your website.The information gathered through analytics can help optimize your efforts and increase conversions.
  12. Email List Management
    Email lists allow you to send emails directly to your target audience.You can send messages about new products, special offers, and promotions.
  13. Blogging
    Blogging is another way to generate quality backlinks. When you create blog posts that are related to your business, you will attract backlinks from reliable sources.
  14. Customer Satisfaction
    Customer satisfaction is one of the most effective ways to get high-quality backlinks.When satisfied customers refer their friends and colleagues to your site, this will result in quality backlinks.
  15. Content Marketing
    Content marketing involves producing unique, useful, relevant content that educates, entertains, or inspires readers.

Engaging content builds trust and leads to higher conversion rates.

The Best URL Shortener of 2018